Poetry Fails to Describe Your Beauty: the role of the initiator

A while back I asked Sarenth to write a post about various spiritual specialists and their roles as he sees it. Please see here. It’s an excellent overview post, and I reference it reasonably often. Which is funny, because I thought there was a role in there that isn’t. Initiator. Which I didn’t realize untilContinue reading “Poetry Fails to Describe Your Beauty: the role of the initiator”

Lupa or The Patient Motherhood of the Divine

So. I don’t speak to my mother. My biological mother. The woman who birthed me, who raised me. She does not know where I live, she doesn’t have my phone number. She doesn’t know how to pronounce the name I use. She doesn’t know which pronouns to use to address me. She doesn’t know aContinue reading “Lupa or The Patient Motherhood of the Divine”

Patreon Rant: Talking Around Taboos

If you’d like to request for me to rant on a topic, write prayers for an ancestor, spirit, or deity, or any of the other Work that I offer, please check out my Patreon, found here. From Sarenth comes the rant topic: How do you communicate around Pack restrictions, taboos, initiation requirements, etc with non-initiatedContinue reading “Patreon Rant: Talking Around Taboos”

Patreon Rant: Wolf Skins and Animism

If you’d like to request for me to rant on a topic, write prayers for an ancestor, spirit, or deity, or any of the other Work that I offer, please check out my Patreon, found here. From Sarenth comes the following topic: “What is it like connecting with a wolf pelt and/or other wolf parts?”Continue reading “Patreon Rant: Wolf Skins and Animism”

Patreon Rant: My Personal Relationship With the Pack Spirits

If you’d like to request for me to rant on a topic, write prayers for an ancestor, spirit, or deity, or any of the other Work that I offer, please check out my Patreon, found here. From Sarenth comes the following topic: “How do you connect with each of the Pack Spirits you are havingContinue reading “Patreon Rant: My Personal Relationship With the Pack Spirits”

Patreon Rant: Exoteric Forms of Pack Magic

If you’d like to request for me to rant on a topic, write prayers for an ancestor, spirit, or deity, or any of the other Work that I offer, please check out my Patreon, found here. From Sarenth comes the following topic:“Here is my question/rant topic for you:How does Pack Magic work for the non-initiated?Continue reading “Patreon Rant: Exoteric Forms of Pack Magic”

Angrboða Meets a Stranger

As with all modern myth, this may or may not resonate with you. That’s fine. Take what makes sense and leave the rest. This myth is also not in what I think of as a standard mythic style. But that’s OK too, it’s what it needed to be. Regardless, I hope it’s enjoyable. It wasContinue reading “Angrboða Meets a Stranger”

Patreon Rant: Blurred Edges and Overlapping Practices

If you’d like to request for me to rant on a topic, write prayers for an ancestor, spirit, or deity, or any of the other Work that I offer, please check out my Patreon, found here. From Sarenth comes the rant topic: “What topics lie at the edge of Pack Magic?  Where do you findContinue reading “Patreon Rant: Blurred Edges and Overlapping Practices”

Uuotan Reclaims His Eye

Last night I had a great conversation regarding Wotan and Türst on Skiðblaðnir. Which led eventually to me rapidly writing this myth in just under an hour. As with all new myths, this may strike a cord, it may not. Either is fine. The nature of myth is inherently fluid. Also please keep in mindContinue reading “Uuotan Reclaims His Eye”

How Much is Too Much?

This post isn’t necessarily going to make a lot of sense. It’s basically me thinking out loud for everyone to see. While I’m not seeking advice, I welcome it. And perhaps these thoughts might be useful to others. They’re at least useful for me to write out. My practice has been growing a lot lately.Continue reading “How Much is Too Much?”

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